Multitude of Blogs

exposing blogosphere to the revolutionary gesture, e-book publishers unite! [blog dünyasına devrimin jestini verelim, e-kitap yayıncıları birleşin!]

this blog's aim is to give united feedback for e-book publishing sites so that tracing and finding may become easier. [bu blogun amacı kitap paylaşımı ve takibini kolaylaştırmak için e-kitap yayınlayan sitelerin toplu bildirimini sunmaktır]

please send me information about blogs to [bilgi göndermek için] farkyarasi1 [at] (if you have a blog please send the list of the books you have published in .txt format)

you can look for a book by "ctrl+f" searching!

renc-u-ana from Fark Yaraları = Scars of Différance

Thursday, March 6, 2008

new blog: museum of accidents

here it is, enjoy
thanks neal for sharing this site

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